Accounting and legal services Moscow price

Pravovoy Navigator Ltd.

Price-list for legal, accounting and audit services in Moscow



Price in RUB.

Registration, liquidation of a company in Moscow

Registration of a LLC (Limited liability company)/Ltd in Moscow and in Moscow region

from 9000 rub. - turnkey company. Additionally: a notary and registration fees (4000 rub.)

Registration of a joint-stock company in Moscow

from 12000 rub. Additionally: a notary and registration fees (4000 rub.)

To establish a representative office or an affiliated branch of a foreign company in Moscow

35000 rub. Additionally: a notary and registration fees

Reorganization of a legal entity. Liquidation of a company.

from 60000 rub. Additionally: a notary and registration fees

Registration of alterations

from 5000 rub. Additionally: a notary and registration fees

Registration of an subdivision and a branch in Moscow

from 7000 rub.


Legal support

Legal support includes: legal advice, drawing up and legal audit of documents,  support in negotiations etc.

from 15000 rub. a month

Defense in the court

Drawing up a claim letter

from 5000 rub. 

To draw up a petition/a suit and to submit a petition/a suit to the court. Arbitration

from 15000 rub. 

Defense in the court, arbitration

from 30000 rub. + %. Percents are paid from court victory's sum

Additional legal services

Visit of a lawyer

from 3000 rub.

To draw up a contract/agreement

from 5000 rub. 

Legal audit of a contract

2500 rub. / 1 hour 


Cost of accounting services for a company

Quantity of accounting transactions (a month)

Cost, rub. (a month)

From 0 to 10 transactions

8000 rub.

From 11 to 30 transactions

12000 rub.

From 31 to 50 transactions

18000 rub.

From 51 to 100 transactions

32000 rub.

From 101 to 150 transactions

45000 rub.

From 151 to 200 transactions

53000 rub.

From 201 to 250 transactions

68000 rub.

From 251 to 300 transactions

79000 rub.

More than 300 transactions


Staff more than 5 employees

+ 500 rub. for a employee

Additional accounting services

Description of services

Cost, rub.

Reconciliation with tax authorities

from 5 000 rub.

To draw up documents for a bank, tax authorities

from 500 rub./ a document

To draw up a payment order

500 rub./ a document

To draw up statements: VAT, profit tax; personal income firms 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL and others

from 3000 rub./ a document

Tax advice and tax optimization

2500 rub./ 1 hour

Development of accounting policies

from 5000 rub.

Restoring accounting


To file nil tax returns

from 8000 rub./ a quarter

Banking operations in a client's internet-bank

from 5000 rub./a month

To submit statements to tax authorities and funds

1500 rub./a state authority

Human resources documents

150 rub./a document

Correction coefficients



Receiving documents from a client less than 5 working days before date of a statement deadline




Export and import transactions


Different VAT rates


Different activities


With a subdivision or a branch


Drawing up source documents



Statutory audit

from 30 000 rub.

Audit of a trading company

from 30 000 rub.

Audit of a manufacturing firm

from 50 000 rub.

Audit of a restaurant and food service

from 50 000 rub.

Audit of a service company

from 30 000 rub.

Audit of a development company

from 80 000 rub.

Audit of a company with export/import transactions

from 70 000 rub.

Tax audit

from 30 000 rub.

Financial audit

from 50 000 rub.

Audit of leasing transactions

from 30 000 rub.

Audit of accounts receivable and accounts payable

from 30 000 rub.

Audit of a cost

from 50 000 rub.

Audit services via a subscription model

from 10 000 rub./ a month